2022 PEI Fibre Trail Exploration – Trailside Yarn Shoppe

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I have set myself a task this summer. I am going to hit as many of the places on the PEI Fibre Trail as possible before the PEI Fibre Festival this Fall. This way you can all get a look at where you might want to visit when you come to PEI.

I already hit the Trailside Yarn Shoppe on our May long weekend retreat to Stanley Bridge Resort. That weekend was planned around being close to Kensington. Most of us wanted to spend some time there because we do not get up there as much as we would like. This is a great shop to go to get ideas or to try a new set of needles. There are lots of different types of yarn available for various projects for beginners all the way up through the most complex. Wednesday and Fridays from 1-3 pm there are sit and knit (or crochet) sessions. It is a great place to relax and dream up a new project. Then get everything you need to complete it. I promise I will take more pictures for you at the rest of the spots. There are lots of pictures on their site. I was just enjoying my weekend when I was there so I sat and knit and wandered the shop without focusing on my followers.

Since I have just assigned myself the PEI Fibre Trail exploration summer, I do not have any other places to talk about. I will discuss the WIP that I am focused on right now:

This spring I am knitting a 100% PEI wool blanket for friends of mine. I have already shown it, but loving that is an exclusively PEI fabric. It is from stash yarn. I have included yarns from Fleece and Harmony, MacAsuland’s Woolen Mills Ltd., and Belfast Mini-Mills – Island Collection. I love how soft Fleece and Harmony’s wool is. I really notice it in the blanket. I can feel the difference of the natural untreated wool, spun so soft at this local mill. They use Belfast Mini Mills machinery. The Island Collection from Belfast Mini Mills comes in worsted and fine weights. I know I have mixed them up in this blanket because some sections are lighter than others. I love the feel of the 100% wool and the different densities of it in this blanet I love to make a trip the MacAuslands Woolen Mills, famous for their blankets, and buy bags of assorted colours of wool. Here is my most recent picture. It has one more block all around from what the picture shows. I will take a picture on the weekend and give you another update next week.

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